UCH Akira's Tse'tah Dibe for TRK9 RN VC NW1 NV BAJ RATI aka Kita
Kita was trained in Wilderness Live Search and Rescue. She is 19 inches and 32 lbs, so she is a nice little pistol. She is high drive and biddable, preferring motion activities rather than stationary obedience. She has produced several show and sport champions and is now retired from breeding.
Rally Novice 2013 (at just 6 mo old!) DockDogs Junior Title 2016 UKC Championship 2015 Miss June 2016 VIP Calendar Barn Hunt Instinct Test 2016 Nosework ORT 2016 Versatility Certificate from VIP 2016 Nosework 1, April 2017 UKC Novice Vehicles, May 2017
3 years old
Gadoga Agaska CGC, RN, SAR-W aka Juno
Juno at 2.5 years old.
Juno is retired Cadaver Search dog. She now trains in Conservation Detection. Juno is retired from breeding. Training and Seminars: Obedience 1, 2, and 3 Competition Agility 1, 2, and 3 WCU Cadaver Dog Level 1, NC WCU Cadaver Dog Level 2, NC Mass Casualty Disaster Dog Workshop, Iowa Cadaver Workshop, VA HRD Training in Disaster Environment, MD Old Dominion HRD Seminar, VA (3 times)
Titles: Canine Good Citizen Rally Novice SAR-Wilderness Nosework ORT Show Events: Best of Reserve Females, UKC Belgian Shepherd Club Regional, 2013 Winner, Level 3 Working Sweepstakes, UKC BSDC National, 2013
Emmanuel Velvet for Vendetta
Emma was an early favorite for tracking but retired due to hip dysplasia. She loves to meet new people and for a time was a nursing home therapy dog.
Emma passed in Oct 2022. She was the kindest and most friendly dog despite a large liver tumor.
Sovereign Vendetta
So-v loves to retrieve and swim. Her best jump with Dock Dogs is 18 '6" so far.
DockDogs Junior Title. Retired from competition for health reasons.
In November 2018 she survived a bloat episode. Her genetic profile is now added in Betterbred to assist UC Davis with ongoing research.
So-v passed on 8/15/2022. She would have turned 16 years in October. That's 100 in dog years.