Our ProgramIt will be important for puppies to be exposed to all the types of people, sounds, flooring, animals, etc. that they will encounter as an adult. Doing so ensures that the puppy has associated positive experiences with all and thus is going to be friendlier and more stable. My program for socialization is summarized below. This is a program I have compiled from subject matter experts and is not proprietary. I have utilized information from well-known trainers like Karen Pryor and Puppy Culture. But there are also numerous trainers that are not famous and offer important insights you can't get from a book.
The puppy area will contain a rotating array of items and include an indoor area and outside area. Sounds will be presented as an audio CD first to identify puppies that have natural sound aversion, and then I will desensitize before exposure to actual noise making item (not CD) which includes the accompanying percussive sound waves. This takes time. This takes effort. This makes a better dog. |
We have added certain elements to a program upon request in order to identify puppies with a predisposition to certain sports. We can identify pups that show a predisposition to birds, nose work, human scent, water, horses, livestock, tugging, retrieval etc. So if you have an interest in a certain sport let us know and we can add it to our litter raising to help identify the best dog for you.
Porcelain tile Corrugated tin Gapped wood slats Wood ramp Wood steps Carpet Wobble board Sand Dirt Grass Gravel Chain link fencing (horizontal) Pavement Asphalt Metal Brick |
Toddler Child under 10 years Teenager Adults Elderly Minorities Groups of 4+ People wearing costumes, sunglasses, hats, heavy coats, and holding packages |
Washing Machine Dehumidifier Vacuum Dish washer Dryer Fire Alarm Car horns Crying baby Dogs barking Thunder Fireworks Ocean Waves Train Dropped pans Lawn mower Rain Electronic toy Baby crying |
Rabbit Horse Chicken Car ride Crate Hanging fabric/toys Battery operated toys Woods Hills Fields Unrelated dogs Fire Vet's office Chain link fencing City sidewalk Skateboards Bicycles Vacuum Deer Water/swimming Beach |